How to Make AFAs a Win-Win: Lessons From the Firm Side
Wednesday, March 22, 2023: 12 p.m. EDT / 4 p.m. GMT
We know that AFA’s are a win for in-house counsel. But what about their firms?
A leading misconception about AFA’s is that law firms can’t be profitable when using them.
In this webinar, Laura Spalding, Director of Legal Advisory at PERSUIT, talks to a panel of firms who are proving otherwise. They’ll discuss:
- The best types of AFAs for both in-house and outside counsel
- How law firms really feel about competitive bidding — RFPs and reverse auctions
- How law firms and their clients can work together more effectively to maintain cost control and predictability — scoping matters and handling material deviations
- What role the billable hour will play in the future of in-house/outside counsel engagements